Get smart in the School Service
What does a zookeeper do? Why does the Zoo look the way it does? And are the animals happy at the Zoo?
With live animals and animal artefacts as examples, as well as animal-savvy educators, teaching at Aalborg Zoo is a mix of theory and practice.
Students hear, see, smell and touch some of the animals, while we supplement with academic input and fun stories from everyday life at the Zoo.
The school service is aimed at pupils and students from preschool to secondary and higher education, as well as homeschoolers, and therefore the teaching levels and topics range widely. (Homeschoolers must bring proof that they are a homeschooler).
Price for training
- Educational presentation: DKK 500,-.
- Admission per person: DKK 50,-.
Payment is made via EAN number or cash on arrival. EAN can also be used in restaurants and shops.
NOTE: If the school is from Aalborg Municipality, the visit is free of charge, as Aalborg Municipality's School Administration pays the costs.
When you book a presentation at Skoletjenesten, you will receive a confirmation email when the booking has been accepted. You must bring this with you to the box office on the day of the training.
If you need bus transport, you can book tickets here: