Nature Conservation Fund
Aalborg Zoo Conservation Foundation (AZCF) was established on 1 January 2014.
AZCF is legally part of Aalborg Zoo. However, AZCF operates independently with its own board of directors and scientific panel. AZCF has its own budget and finances, which are at the disposal of the AZCF board.
AZCF aims to support projects organised by and/or with support from Aalborg Zoo for the benefit of animals in Aalborg Zoo and/or projects for the benefit of endangered animal species that Aalborg Zoo seeks to save and support both nationally and internationally. AZCF also aims to support projects that benefit nature and wildlife in North Jutland for the benefit of the local population in North Jutland.
AZCF's capital and profits are used to fulfil the above purposes.
Application guidelines
AZCF supports projects that fall within the AZCF's mission statement.
Applications are accepted twice a year. Application deadlines are 1 May and 30 September.
AZCF will provide support of up to DKK 150,000 per project.
Funding is available for direct expenses related to the project. However, support is not granted for own salary, overheads, individual Ph.D and Post. Doc scholarships. Nor can you apply for funding for study trips or publication expenses that are not related to a project supported by AZCF.
The application must contain the following information:
- Name and address of applicant (and institution if applicable)
- Amount requested
- Budget
- Possible co-financing (documentation must be attached)
- Description of the project, max. two pages in Danish plus a popular science summary of max. 1/2 page
- Timetable
- Curriculum Vitae of the applicant(s)
- Any testimonials (max. 2)
All applications must be sent both by regular mail to AZCF, c/o Aalborg Zoo, Mølleparkvej 63, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark and as a PDF file to [email protected]. Once AZCF has received the application, the applicant will receive a confirmation of receipt via e-mail.
The applications received will be evaluated by a scientific panel and the result of the panel's evaluation will be announced within two months of the application deadline
Reasons are not given for rejections and a rejected application cannot be reconsidered.
Successful projects will receive 70 % of the amount applied for at the start of the project. The remaining 30 % will be paid out with 20 % approximately 3 months before the end of the project and the last 10 % will be paid out after the project has been finalised. Before the 20 % can be paid out, a progress report must be submitted and approved by the scientific panel.
At the end of the project, full documentation of all expenses incurred on the project must be provided and any unused amounts must be returned to AZCF. Equipment purchased in connection with the project remains the property of AZCF and must be returned immediately upon completion of the project.
No later than one month after the end of the project, it must be reported to AZCF either in the form of a report that can be published on the AZCF website or in the form of a scientific or popular science article.
Board of Directors and scientific panel
Board of Directors
Cino Pertoldi, Chairman of the Board (Professor)
Henrik Johansen (Zoo Director)
Niels Iversen (Associate Professor)
Anette Sofie Warncke Nutzhorn (Zoologist)
Kim Lambertsen Larsen (Professor)
Betina Andersen (Pet sitter)
Jens Nygaard Larsen (Sales Manager)
Scientific Panel
Volker Loeschcke (Professor)
Simon Bahrndorff (Lecturer)
Niels Madsen (Professor)
Søren Toft (Associate Professor)
Trine Hammer Jensen (Associate Professor)
Save the barn owl
The barn owl is one of the most endangered bird species in Denmark, and much has been done over the years to ensure its survival. Most recently in the period 2021-2024, the Ministry of the Environment has supported conservation measures and scientific studies with DKK 1 million.
In connection with these initiatives, additional funds were raised via the Danish Society for the Protection of Animals, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, Jægernes Naturfond and Glad Zoo.
It is therefore possible for individuals and organisations to apply for funding for breeding barn owls, primarily in Himmerland.
Application guidelines
Actions and projects that can improve the livelihood of barn owls or monitor the population are supported.
You can apply twice a year: 1 May and 1 September.
Funding is available for direct expenses related to the project. Support is not available for salaries.
The application must contain the following information:
- Name and address of applicant
- Amount requested
- Budget
- Description of the project
- Timetable
All applications must be sent as a pdf file to [email protected] Once AZCF has received the application, the applicant will receive a confirmation of receipt via email.
The applications received will be assessed by representatives from the Wildlife Management Council's Church Owl Group, and the applicant will be notified shortly after the application deadline whether the application has been granted. No reasons will be given for rejection.
Successful projects will receive 70% of the amount applied for at the start of the project. The remaining 30% will be paid out at the end of the project, where a short report on the effort and any impact must be provided.
At the end of the project, all expenses incurred on the project must be documented and any unused amounts must be returned to AZCF, which administers the funds for the Barn Owls.
For more information about barn owls, the conservation project and contact details, please visit https://www.kirkeuglen.dk/