Environmental and occupational health and safety certification
Environmental certification
Aalborg Zoo was the first zoo in the world to be environmentally certified in 1999. The many years of work with environmental management means that environmental awareness is now a natural and integral part of our everyday life and, together with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the basis for our Zoo Strategy.
The Zoo Strategy describes the concrete realisation of Aalborg Zoo's overall mission to contribute to
Nature conservation through, among other things, environmental awareness and the greatest possible consideration for the surrounding environment
society. In this way, awareness of the garden's environmental impact is prioritised in day-to-day management and determines daily work routines in terms of monitoring consumption, purchasing, recycling and
ongoing environmental improvement initiatives.
We have a special focus on
- Reduce consumption of natural resources such as water, heat and energy
- Recycle resources through waste sorting
- Choosing environmentally friendly and sustainable materials
- Choosing feed that is produced and delivered in an environmentally friendly way, for example local or organic.
- Actively participate in nature conservation projects locally and internationally
- Communicating to raise awareness of the environment and nature conservation among our guests
- Participate in research collaborations that contribute to the above
Aalborg Zoo will always comply with applicable legislation as a minimum.
Aalborg Zoo is approved by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Aalborg Zoo is certified according to ISO 14001:2015 in the environmental area and ISO 45001:2018, which is the internationally recognised standard for occupational health and safety management systems.

Occupational health and safety certification
Aalborg Zoo will always strive for a good and safe working environment and has the following objectives:
- Continuous focus on significant work environment issues such as noise, vibration, thermal stress, movement, strain, psychosocial stress, chemical and biological stress, indoor climate stress and accident risks.
- To eliminate the use of PPE in close collaboration with users by removing or minimising the sources of contamination in new initiatives, new builds and refurbishments.
- In future new buildings and renovations, to take care of the working environment from start to finish and ensure that these health and safety objectives are met, so that consultants such as contractors comply with the Zoo's health and safety policy.
- Motivate employees to engage in dialogue with each other about the work environment, both physical and mental.
- That management is always open to a dialogue about the physical and mental work environment.
Occupational health and safety policy for Aalborg Zoo
The purpose is to promote safety and health at Aalborg Zoo, and to ensure, maintain and expand safety in all areas.
In collaboration with the Safety and Co-operation Committee, management will investigate the possibility of improving the working environment in all areas of Aalborg Zoo and actively follow the initiatives that can contribute to this.
All Aalborg Zoo employees are responsible for their own safety and safety behaviour as well as that of others, and by their actions contribute to preventing accidents and incidents and comply with relevant safety regulations.
In view of Aalborg Zoo's special status as a hazardous workplace, efforts must be made to retain employees through redeployment in the event of work-related conditions or occupational injuries.
Aalborg Zoo wants to accommodate people with reduced earning capacity in areas where it will be safe for the individual to work.
Aalborg Zoo will undertake reasonable initiatives aimed at promoting employee health.
Aalborg Zoo will continuously improve the physical and psychological working environment, measured by minimising work-related injuries and accidents.
Procedures are drawn up and regularly updated to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Danish Working Environment Act.
Aalborg Zoo wants to openly communicate its health and safety policy as well as health and safety conditions internally and externally, and will publish initiatives and status on www.aalborgzoo.dk