Brush at the Zoo Fairy Stage

29. marts


Visit the Zoo's interpreters in the square by the Tropical House. Here you can touch, ask questions and learn about animals from all over the world. 

Kl. 12.00 på Zoofariscenen:

Minisjang's popular star Børste is ready to enchant the audience with a brand new and exciting show! The Zoo Fairy Stage will be transformed into a big party when Børste takes the stage with an exuberant and energetic show that will thrill the youngest members of the audience.

Børnene vil blive trukket ind i Minisjang Universet med de populære sange som “Hjulene på bussen”, “Borte-Tit” og “Omvendt dag”, der vil skabe genklang i alles hjerter og få børnene til at synge med af fuld hals.

Brush and his new friend will perform together and will involve the audience in the show, where children will have plenty of opportunities to dance along and actively participate in the performance.

Over the past few years, Børste the hedgehog has become a well-known personality to countless children, thanks to his cute and funny programmes on DR's Minisjang channel and chart-topping music tracks on streaming services. Although the show is primarily designed for children aged 1-5 years, it is expected that older children will also find great enjoyment and entertainment in Børste's energetic and fun performance.

Brush's show is expected to last for half an hour. After his performance, the audience will have the opportunity to meet Brush in person, get a warm hug and take a memorable photo together.

D. 30. marts


Visit the Zoo's interpreters in the square by the Tropical House. Here you can touch, ask questions and learn about animals from all over the world. 

12.00 noon:  Mikkel Sortemos at Zoofariscenen

Få styr på dyr og hør underholdende facts og myter fra dyrenes vilde verden, når naturformidler Mikkel Sortemos deler sin store passion for dyr og natur.

Du kan blive meget klogere på verdens forskellige, fantastiske og forunderlige arter. I kommer til at opleve vilde historier samt se kranier og skind helt tæt på.