If you want to donate to Aalborg Zoo
Aalborg Zoo's mission is to take an active role in the conservation of endangered species and their habitats. If you choose to donate to Aalborg Zoo, you contribute to our important work with animals and support our core tasks:
- Communicating and teaching about animals and their living conditions
- Conservation of endangered species
- Research in animal biology
All donations are gladly and gratefully received - regardless of size
Note: Your donation is tax deductible and can be deducted on your tax return, as Aalborg Zoo fulfils the conditions for tax-deductible gifts and as a self-governing institution, Aalborg Zoo is exempt from inheritance tax.
If you don't want a tax deduction for your donation, you can also donate directly to
MobilePay 709209type Donation in the message field.
If you want to donate or have any questions, please contact Pia Nielsen at [email protected]