Guests queue outside the entrance to Aalborg Zoo in their late 30s

90th birthday on 13 April 2025

At Easter 2025, and especially on 13 April, Aalborg Zoo celebrates its 90th birthday with an exhibition, games from the old days, shows on the Zoo Stage and much, much more.

Throughout 2025, admission is free for people who turn 90 during the year. The 90-year-old can bring a companion to the zoo for free.

At Easter, you can visit the exciting new exhibition where you can take a look back at the many different animals and facilities that have been in the zoo over time. Here you can see with your own eyes that Aalborg Zoo has undergone a smooth transformation from menagerie to conservation zoo from its opening in 1935 to the present day.

On the birthday itself, 13 April, you can join in on the cake table, experience vintage cars, see how to ride your hobby horse, attend a birthday concert at the Zoofaris stage with Michael Back and get into the real 30's atmosphere with costumed extras from Det Hem'lige Teater.

Send us your best photo from the zoo and enter the competition for an annual pass

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Send us your best video from the zoo and be in with a chance to win an annual pass

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Visit the exhibition "From menagerie to modern zoo", which tells the story of the zoo's development from 1935 to today. The exhibition can be visited in the exhibition building by the penguins.

At. 11-16:

In the African Village you can test yourself in the 1930s play workshop. You can walk on stilts, ride a hobby horse or show off your skills with YoYo.

At. 11-16:

Visit the Zoo's interpreters in the square by the Tropical House and get up close to exciting animal artefacts.

At. 12.00:

Safari Simon's birthday show at the Zoo Safari Stage. PLEASE NOTE. However, Sunday 13 April at 13.30.

Activities on individual days:

14 April at 13:30:

Sebastian Klein talks about the world's creepiest and strangest animals at ZoofariScenen.

15 and 16 April at 13:00:

Jørgen Stendal Mortensen from the Flying Suitcase Circus shows and instructs in play activities from the 1930s on the lawn at Skovbakken.

17 - 21 April at 13.30:

Show with nature educator Mikkel Sortemos on the Zoofari Stage.


At the area around Bjørnemanden, you can see old vintage cars from Nordjysk Vintage Motorklub.

You can meet extras from The Secret Theatre in 1930s clothes and there is birthday cake for the first 500 guests.

You can also visit the exhibition "From menagerie to conservation zoo", which tells the story of the zoo's development from 1935 to the present day. The exhibition can be visited in the exhibition building by the penguins.

At. 10-15:

On the lawn at Skovbakken you can meet Brovst Riding Club and try riding a hobby horse on the obstacle course.

At. 11.00:

Mayor Lasse Frimann Jensen says congratulations from the ZoofariScene.

Birthday concert for children with Michael Back and the Music Bandits

11.00 - 16.00:

In the African Village you can test yourself in the 1930s play workshop. You can walk on stilts, ride a hobby horse or show off your skills with YoYo.


Safari Simon's birthday show on the Zoofari Stage.

Buy a birthday poster - from menagerie to conservation zoo

We've been in the archives and selected a fantastic image that you can buy in the ZooShop from 13 April as a poster in connection with the 90th birthday in 2025.

The poster costs DKK 90 and is available in the format 50 x 70 cm.

Proceeds from the sale of the birthday poster go to nature conservation.